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Target Demographic

In the Northeast, 22% of people have and maintain a vegetable garden (MNN). This is over one fifth of people in our area that have a garden. Not only that, but in the year 2007, the world used over 877 million pounds of pesticides. This shows that people need effective solutions to solve pest problems in their gardens.

There are current companies on the market that are like us. However, there are multiple reasons why we have a unique company. One of the reasons is because we are selling to a different group of people. These companies tend to provide business for small farms. However, the average person who has a garden is not as educated in farming or insects.

Current products are not convenient enough for people to use. By focusing on “normal people” who have gardens, BUGSPrey has a unique target demographic unlike other companies. BUGSprey is also different because our company is specific to Connecticut. This allows us to make much more targeted approaches to solving consumers problems. Our company knows what insects are native, and what will work most effectively.

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