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Executive Summary


           Pests are a major concern to crops that humans consume every single year. Is it estimated that the potential loss of crops without pesticides would result in roughly 50% of wheat, 30% of soybean, and 40% of rice crops being destroyed annually around the world (Cambridge University). This is a very significant amount of food that would completely change our economy and health if we lost it. Although pesticides are effective in preventing pests like insects, they also have many detrimental impacts on both the environment and human health.

            Our company, BUGSprey, was founded by a group of high school students at the Engineering and Science University Magnet School in 2016. We are a for-profit company whose goal is to eliminate the use of pesticides in people’s personal gardens. We will do this by providing services that create natural solutions to common pests in the area. The solutions we will give consumers will be native, beneficial insects that will act as natural predators to pests. This allows for the insect that we provide to pose no threat to consumers gardens or the ecosystem. By educating people about the threat that pesticides pose, we can be one step closer in creating a greener Connecticut.


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